De vrais couples, de vraies histoires !

Les membres qui ont trouvé l'amour sur BBWCupid

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J'ai vu un message de Brandon un soir et j'ai tout de suite voulu lui parler.

J'ai vu un message de Brandon un soir et j'ai tout de suite eu envie de lui parler, il était sincère et gentil, après nous nous sommes FaceTimés pour la première fois et j'ai pu voir son sourire, ça a été le déclic. Je sav... J'ai vu un message de Brandon un soir et j'ai tout de suite eu envie de lui parler, il était sincère et gentil, après nous nous sommes FaceTimés pour la première fois et j'ai pu voir son sourire, ça a été le déclic. Je savais que je voulais que ce soit plus qu'une simple histoire en ligne. Le premier rendez-vous que nous avons eu était assez glauque (haha) mais parfait pour moi. Il a fait quatre heures de route pour venir me voir, nous sommes allés à l'hôtel et nous avons passé le week-end ensemble. Nous avons regardé beaucoup de Futurama (je n'aime pas mais je suis restée devant comme une championne), on a joué à des jeux vidéo (il est allé chez Gamestop et a acheté le nouveau jeu South Park) et on a mangé beaucoup de pizza. Nous avons officialisé notre relation immédiatement après et elle dure depuis deux ans ! BBWCupid a été génial pour moi parce que je n'ai pas eu à passer par l'étape gênante d'expliquer que je suis une fille ronde, je ne voulais pas que cette situation socialement gênante et décevante se produise. Je savais dès le départ que Brandon n'était pas du tout gêné par ma silhouette.

Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here

Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here, we are going on a date very soon. FaceTime goes with lots of messaging. Thanks Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here, we are going on a date very soon. FaceTime goes with lots of messaging. Thanks

I really don’t deserve meeting her!

I really don’t deserve meeting her, but she is completely beautiful and wants an older man like me. I really don’t deserve meeting her, but she is completely beautiful and wants an older man like me.

I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more.

We met a while back when I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more. Although he’s been in Virginia and I’ve been in California, we’re finally coming together. When he mentioned needing me for us, I thought it was just a line, but I’ve come to see he was sincere. I&... We met a while back when I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more. Although he’s been in Virginia and I’ve been in California, we’re finally coming together. When he mentioned needing me for us, I thought it was just a line, but I’ve come to see he was sincere. I’m really excited about what the future holds for us!

Finding someone you connect with so deeply is truly rare. She was everything I had dreamed of and more.

I came across her profile and decided to reach out. It took her two days to respond, but when she did, it felt like fireworks. We instantly connected, as if our souls were intertwined from the very beginning. It was incredible—my gaze never left hers. Finding someone you connect with so deeply... I came across her profile and decided to reach out. It took her two days to respond, but when she did, it felt like fireworks. We instantly connected, as if our souls were intertwined from the very beginning. It was incredible—my gaze never left hers. Finding someone you connect with so deeply is truly rare. She was everything I had dreamed of and more. I’ve always loved big women and had a feeling my soulmate would be one, and thankfully, I was right! Hahaha. She is the apple of my eye and the reason I’m here on this earth.