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BBWCupid で出会いを見つけたメンバー

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ある夜、ブランドンがメッセージを送ってくれました。それを読んで、彼と話した... ある夜、ブランドンがメッセージを送ってくれました。それを読んで、彼と話したくなってきました。本人はとても親切でした。私たちが初めてFaceTimeで連絡を取りました。彼の笑顔を見た瞬間好きになりました。オンラインロマンス以上の関係になりたいと思っていました。最初のデートはかなり地味でした(笑)が、ちょうどいいと思います。彼は私に会うために4時間運転しました。そして私たちはホテルに行き、週末の間ずっとぶらぶらしました。私たちは多くのフューチュラマを見て(好きではありませんが、夢中になっていました)、ビデオゲームをプレイし(彼はGamestopに寄って新しいサウスパークゲームを手に入れました!)、そしてたくさんのピザを食べました。2年間付き合って、次の段階に入ることにしました!BBWCupidは素晴らしかったです。なぜなら、ちょっと背が高いと説明するという厄介な段階を経る必要がなかったからです。そのような世の中の厄介な、残念な状況が起こってほしくないです。ブランドンは自分の身長にまったく気にしないことを最初から知っていました。

Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here

Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here, we are going on a date very soon. FaceTime goes with lots of messaging. Thanks Korey and I are getting along very well after meeting here, we are going on a date very soon. FaceTime goes with lots of messaging. Thanks

I really don’t deserve meeting her!

I really don’t deserve meeting her, but she is completely beautiful and wants an older man like me. I really don’t deserve meeting her, but she is completely beautiful and wants an older man like me.

I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more.

We met a while back when I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more. Although he’s been in Virginia and I’ve been in California, we’re finally coming together. When he mentioned needing me for us, I thought it was just a line, but I’ve come to see he was sincere. I&... We met a while back when I was looking for a friend, but I found so much more. Although he’s been in Virginia and I’ve been in California, we’re finally coming together. When he mentioned needing me for us, I thought it was just a line, but I’ve come to see he was sincere. I’m really excited about what the future holds for us!

Finding someone you connect with so deeply is truly rare. She was everything I had dreamed of and more.

I came across her profile and decided to reach out. It took her two days to respond, but when she did, it felt like fireworks. We instantly connected, as if our souls were intertwined from the very beginning. It was incredible—my gaze never left hers. Finding someone you connect with so deeply... I came across her profile and decided to reach out. It took her two days to respond, but when she did, it felt like fireworks. We instantly connected, as if our souls were intertwined from the very beginning. It was incredible—my gaze never left hers. Finding someone you connect with so deeply is truly rare. She was everything I had dreamed of and more. I’ve always loved big women and had a feeling my soulmate would be one, and thankfully, I was right! Hahaha. She is the apple of my eye and the reason I’m here on this earth.